Care for Children with
Special Needs

Support and Services for Infants and Young Children

UNICEF estimates that about 240 million children are living with disability globally and are the most marginalized and excluded groups in society, they experience extensive violations of their rights, particularly, barriers to quality education.

Scope of Activities

Assessment and diagnosis

Including the use of telemedicine & virtual consultation.

Therapy and treatment

Including both group sessions and individual care plans, physical therapy clinics as well as community-based care.


Respite care, counseling & vocational training for parents and carers.

Our Mission

The Butterfly Centre seeks to be the leading center of excellence in providing holistic and tailored care for children with disabilities. We believe that every child with a disability thrives, grows, and achieves their full potential through comprehensive care, innovative programs,
and compassionate support, fostering an environment of inclusivity and belonging.

We seek to create a world where all children, regardless of their abilities, are celebrated for their unique qualities and given the tools they need to reach their full potential. We envision a society where inclusivity is the norm, and every child with a disability is supported, respected, and has access to the opportunities they deserve.

We look to achieve this by advocating for their rights, providing proper care and support, encouraging inclusive communities, and promoting a society that values diversity for children and young adults.


Our Vision

The Butterfly Centre seeks to be the leading center of excellence in providing holistic and tailored care for children with neurodiverse conditions, special needs, or physical disability with a focus on
children from lowincome households.

We aim to facilitate proper assessment, care, and therapy for children in a community of inclusivity and belonging. We will also advocate for children’s rights regardless of their backgrounds, promote diversity, and inspire a compassionate world for children with special needs for children and young adults.

Support and services for Infants and Young Children

Asset 1

UNICEF estimates that about 240 million children are living with disability globally and are the most marginalized and excluded groups in society, they experience extensive violations of their rights, particularly, barriers to quality education.

Joseph Doolenan

Scope of Activities

Assessment and diagnosis

Including the use of telemedicine & virtual consultation.

Therapy and treatment

Including both group sessions and individual care plans, physical therapy clinics as well as community-based care.


Respite care, counseling & vocational training for parents and carers.

Making a difference

At the Butterfly Centre, we celebrate the unique abilities of every child and inspire a more inclusive and compassionate world and through our work, we seek to:

Reducing Institutionalization

Reduce institutionalization and neglect of children with developmental challenges and mental health illnesses.

Improving Integration

Improve chances of integration into the school system for children with mental or developmental conditions.

Support and Coping Systems

Develop support and coping systems for mothers of children with disabilities.

Enhancing Mental Health Workers Capacity

Enhance the capacity of mental health workers to provide quality services specifically for children.

Creating Functioning Blueprint

Create a functioning, sustainable and scalable blueprint for community and regional child and adolescent mental service centres across Ghana.

Pricing Plans

Affordable Care Packages

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Standard Plan

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Service Included:

Premium Plan

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Service Included:

Family Plan

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Service Included:


Mental Health by the Numbers

Vulputate bibendum erat morbi interdum diam sit. Eu sit dolor vel sodales sed nibh ut. Ac fringilla fames eget a aliquet. Gravida placerat viverra purus sed ac ultricies sem nulla.

Satisfied Clients
0 +
Positive Reviews
0 +
Workshops Held
0 +
Therapy Sessions
0 +


The Zenlift Guiding Principles


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Vulputate bibendum erat morbi interdum diam sit. Eu sit dolor vel sodales sed nibh ut.


Qualified Professionals

Contact Us

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+233 (0)541 575 448 +233 (0)302 610 610

E102/3 Independence Avenue, Ridge Accra

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